# Load package Basic, modatlasgroups file of group names, read other functions.
Read("GAPssrsCheck"); # Code for Socle Radical Equality Check for simple groups
Remove(modatlasgroupsstring, 13);
# Socle Radical Equality Check for Algebra
# Input - Group Algebra result of AutoCalcBasic
# Output - List of record for group, containing group, characteristic, record for each PIM of the group,
# and true if all PIMs of the group have equal radical and socle series (false otherwise).
# Records for PIMs contain matrices for socle and radical series of PIM, and true if the radical
# and socle series are equal (false otherwise).
srCheckAlg := function(alg)
local n,m,i,j,k,a, db, module, soc, rad, mats, matr,equal,flag, list;
equal := true; flag := true;
listPIMs :=[];
# Get each PIM, with same db of simple modules across the board.
for n in [1..Length(alg.PIMs)] do
module := alg.PIMs[n].PIM;
db := Chop(alg.global_simples[1]).db;
for m in [2..Length(alg.global_simples)] do
db := Chop(alg.global_simples[m], rec(db := db)).db;
# Create the Socle and Radical series for each PIM.
soc := SocleSeries(module, db);
rad := RadicalSeries(module, db);
# Use matrices to keep track of the simples in each factor of the
# socle and radical series to compare.
# If the matrices are equal then the Socle and Radical series
# are the same, if not we can read off from the matrices by what
# factors they differ by in terms of simple modules from db.
mats := NullMat(Length(soc.isotypes), Length(alg.PIMs));
matr := NullMat(Length(rad.isotypes), Length(alg.PIMs));
# Create the socle series matrix which shows which simple modules are
# in each factor of the socle series.
for i in [1..Length(soc.isotypes)] do
for k in [1..Length(soc.isotypes[i])] do
for j in [i..Length(mats)] do
# Create the radical series matrix which shows which simple modules
# are in each factor of the radical series.
for i in [1..Length(rad.isotypes)] do
for k in [1..Length(rad.isotypes[Length(rad.isotypes)-i+1])] do
for j in [i..Length(matr)] do
:= matr[j][rad.isotypes[Length(rad.isotypes)-i+1][k]]+1;
# Checks if the socle and radical series for PIM are equal
if mats = matr then equal := true;
else equal := false;
flag := false;
# Create PIM record and add to listPIMs.
a:= rec(socleSeries := mats, radicalSeries := matr, srEqual := equal);
list[n] := a;
# Create group record with listPIMs and add to list.
listPIMs := rec(group:= alg.group,prime:= alg.prime, PIMs := list, srAllEqual := flag);
###################################### End of Function srCheckAlg ###################################