#F Function LandrockCheck( )
# <#GAPDoc Label="LandrockCheckHeader">
# a record containing the Loewy lengths of the PIMs, whether
# the hypotheses of Landrocks theorem are met, if all PIMs
# are upper or lower stable, whether the result of Landrocks
# theorem checks out, and group information.
# LandrockCheck uses straightforward computations to
# check that all PIMs are either upper or lower stable and that
# then all PIMs have the same Loewy length. This and further
# data is stored in outcome.
# <#/GAPDoc>
# METHOD: First we check that the hypotheses of Landrock't theorem are
# are satisfied. That is all PIMs of the algebra must be all
# upper stable or all lower stable. This amounts to checking
# that the second row of the socle and radical series matrices
# are equal (upper stable) for all PIMs or that the antepenultimate
# row of the socle and radical series matrices are equal (lower
# stable) for all PIMs. Next, we record the Loewy lengths of all
# the PIMs and return the results of meeting Landrocks theorem.
LandrockCheck := function(listPIMs)
local pass, upperStable, lowerStable, i,j,k, n, loewyLengths;
pass:= true;
lowerStable:= true;
outcome:=rec(upperStable :=false, lowerStable:=false, landrockTheoremHolds :=false, loewyLengths:=[], group:="",prime:=1);
for i in [1..Length(listPIMs.PIMs)] do
# Check if each PIM is upper stable
if listPIMs.PIMs[i].radicalSeries[2] = listPIMs.PIMs[i].socleSeries[2] then;
else upperStable := false;
#if upperStable = false then;
for j in [1..Length(listPIMs.PIMs)] do
# Check if each PIM is lower stable
if listPIMs.PIMs[j].radicalSeries[Length(listPIMs.PIMs[j].radicalSeries)-2] =
listPIMs.PIMs[j].socleSeries[Length(listPIMs.PIMs[j].socleSeries)-2] then;
else lowerStable := false;
fi; od;
n:= Length(listPIMs.PIMs[1].radicalSeries);
# Check Landrocks theorem holds
for k in [1..Length(listPIMs.PIMs)] do
Add(loewyLengths, Length(listPIMs.PIMs[k].radicalSeries), k);
if Length(listPIMs.PIMs[k].radicalSeries) = n then;
elif upperStable = false and lowerStable = false then pass:=true;
else pass := false;
# results of PIMs being upper or lower stable, PIMs Loewy lengths, and whether Landrocks theorem passes on these PIMs
outcome:=rec(upperStable:=upperStable, lowerStable:=lowerStable, landrockTheoremHolds:=pass, loewyLengths:=loewyLengths, group:=listPIMs.group,prime:=listPIMs.prime);
return pass;
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