# Gap code for checking the socle and radical series of a group
# identify for which groups the socle and radical series coincide
# and for the ones that don't find the factors in the socle and radical
# that differ and by what simple module they differ by
#F Function srCheck( )
# <#GAPDoc Label="srCheckHeader">
# list of records for each PIM of this group with socle and radical
# series information.
# srCheck checking the socle and radical series of a group
# algebra to see when they coincide.
# <#/GAPDoc>
# METHOD: create the basic algebra for the specified group and characterisitc
# using AtlasRep and Basic pagackages. Double check that each PIM has
# the same database of simple modules then create the socle and radical
# series. Make a matrix for both series to keep track of the simple
# modules in each factor for easy comparison. Then add PIM information
# for socle and radical series to listPIMs.
# Global variable to contain info for socle and radical series for the
# specified group algebra.
srCheck := function(group, char)
local n,i,j,k,m,alg,list,db,module,soc,rad,mats,matr, a, equal, flag;
equal := true; flag := true;
a:=rec();list:=[];listPIMs :=[];
alg := InitializeRecordAtlasGroup(group, char, 1);
# get each PIM, with same db of simple modules across the board
for n in [1..Length(alg.PIMs)] do
module := alg.PIMs[n].PIM;
db := Chop(alg.global_simples[1]).db;
for m in [2..Length(alg.global_simples)] do
db := Chop(alg.global_simples[m], rec(db := db)).db;
# Create the Socle and Radical series for each PIM
soc := SocleSeries(module, db);
rad := RadicalSeries(module, db);
# use matrices to keep track of the simples in each factor of the
# socle and radical series to compare
# If the matrices are equal then the Socle and Radical series
# are the same, if not we can read off from the matrices by what
# they differ in terms of simple modules
mats := NullMat(Length(soc.isotypes), Length(alg.PIMs));
matr := NullMat(Length(rad.isotypes), Length(alg.PIMs));
# create the socle series matrix which shows which simple modules are
# in each factor of the socle series.
for i in [1..Length(soc.isotypes)] do
for k in [1..Length(soc.isotypes[i])] do
for j in [i..Length(mats)] do
# create the radical series matrix which shows which simple modules
# are in each factor of the radical series.
for i in [1..Length(rad.isotypes)] do
for k in [1..Length(rad.isotypes[Length(rad.isotypes)-i+1])] do
for j in [i..Length(matr)] do
matr[j][rad.isotypes[Length(rad.isotypes)-i+1][k]] := matr[j][rad.isotypes[Length(rad.isotypes)-i+1][k]]+1;
# checks if the socle and radical series for PIM are equal
if mats = matr then equal := true;
else equal := false;
flag := false;
# create PIM record and add to listPIMs
# can't print PIM :=module..
a:= rec(socleSeries := mats, radicalSeries := matr,srEqual := equal);
list[n] := a;
# create group record with listPIMs and add to list
listPIMs := rec(group:= group, prime:= char, PIMs := list, srAllEqual := flag);
#F Function srCheckAlgebra( )
# <#GAPDoc Label="srCheckAlgebraHeader">
# list of records for each PIM of this group with socle and radical
# series information.
# srCheckAlgebra checking the socle and radical series of
# a group algebra to see when they coincide.
# <#/GAPDoc>
# METHOD: faster than srCheck, avoid creating the basic algebra by using ones
# already computed for the specified group and characterisitc. Double
# check that each PIM has the same database of simple modules then create
# the socle and radical series. Make a matrix for both series to keep
# track of the simple modules in each factor for easy comparison. Then
# add PIM information for socle and radical series to listPIMs.
srCheckBasicAlgebra := function(algebra, group, char)
local a,n,i,j,k,m, list, module, equal, flag, matPimList,soc,rad,mats,matr, db, socle, radical, str, PIMs;
if algebra = 0 then;
alg := InitializeRecordAtlasGroup(group, char, 1);
else alg:= algebra;
socle:=[]; radical:=[]; db:=[];
equal := true; flag := true;
a:=rec();list:=[];listPIMs :=[];matPimList:=[];PIMs:=[];
for i in [1..Length(alg.PIMs)] do
str:=Concatenation("pim", String(i));
for j in [1..Length(RecNames(alg.HOMs))] do
matPimList[i][j] := alg.matrices.(str).(j);
db := Chop(PIMs[1]).db;
for m in [2..Length(PIMs)] do
db := Chop(PIMs[m], rec(db := db)).db;
# get each PIM, with same db of simple modules across the board
for n in [1..Length(PIMs)] do
# Create the Socle and Radical series for each PIM
soc := SocleSeries(PIMs[n], db);
rad := RadicalSeries(PIMs[n], db);
# use matrices to keep track of the simples in each factor of the
# socle and radical series to compare
# If the matrices are equal then the Socle and Radical series
# are the same, if not we can read off from the matrices by what
# they differ in terms of simple modules
mats := NullMat(Length(soc.isotypes), Length(PIMs));
matr := NullMat(Length(rad.isotypes), Length(PIMs));
# create the socle series matrix which shows which simple modules are
# in each factor of the socle series.
for i in [1..Length(soc.isotypes)] do
for k in [1..Length(soc.isotypes[i])] do
for j in [i..Length(mats)] do
# create the radical series matrix which shows which simple modules
# are in each factor of the radical series.
for i in [1..Length(rad.isotypes)] do
for k in [1..Length(rad.isotypes[Length(rad.isotypes)-i+1])] do
for j in [i..Length(matr)] do
matr[j][rad.isotypes[Length(rad.isotypes)-i+1][k]] := matr[j][rad.isotypes[Length(rad.isotypes)-i+1][k]]+1;
# checks if the socle and radical series for PIM are equal
if mats = matr then equal := true;
else equal := false;
flag := false;
# create PIM record and add to listPIMs
# can't print PIM :=module..
a:= rec(socleSeries := mats, radicalSeries := matr,srEqual := equal);
list[n] := a;
# create group record with listPIMs and add to list
listPIMs := rec(group:= group, prime:= char, PIMs := list, srAllEqual := flag);